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Change begins with an idea. Together, we can create scholarships to empower promising lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) students to achieve their full academic and leadership potential – despite the obstacles often put before them – to make a significant impact on society.

The Alvin O. McCray and Jason M. Rudman Community College Scholarships at Point Foundation represent a minimum annual commitment of $25,000. Point Foundation will establish at least three scholarships for each academic year.

  • Scholarship recipients will be selected through Point Foundation’s standard community college selection process

  • All three scholarship recipients must be students of color; at least one should identify as transgender

  • Areas of study/major should be focused on social justice, criminal justice, and/or public policy


The Point Foundation Program Director and Staff will ensure that each student is paired with a coach.


The supported student will sign a Contract of Excellence (COE) in which they agree to a transfer to a four-year college or university by the following academic year. On-going check-ins with Point staff and their Point Coach are part of the commitment.


Students will participate in Point Foundation functions and other social functions. Publicity participation and media training will be provided as needed.